How to create a blog dummies

How to create a blog dummies - Search Engine like a Google love blogs that have a reputation . As we mentioned before about SEO , the SEO part OffPage is by posting a link on another blog to our blog , the more links that are drawn to our blog so google considers our blog is important, because a lot of that reference .
SEO Blog
Blog Dummies
However, to obtain incoming links to your blog is certainly not without obstacles , if we exchange links then hambatanya is not necessarily that you have a blog that would provide space for we put our links in there , well to anticipate this we do it in a way to make your own blog , which later we put a link to our main blog , this is called Dummy Blog .

In a blog dummy does not mean we make the blog as much as possible and then put a link that leads to the main blog , or sesimple not that simple . Dummy blog that we make must meet the syntax good SEO , and the number of not too much , because it can be considered spam by google we would be considered the main danblog blog Abal Abal , with the consequences of our blog will be banned by Google , if over SEO .

Procedures for Building a Dummy Blog

  1. Try to make a matching circuitry Blog Dummy main blog . True , the blog is a dummy function to raise the ranking of the main blog in the eyes of google , aim to show the way to a Google Robot towards the main blog . But the blog is not solely for the robot alone , man can also read it , if you write articles that are relevant to the main blog , it will greatly assist in the acquisition of targeted visitors .
  2. Dummy Blog Should Be Rich Content . His name is also a blog that is enabled to carry out a campaign to popularize the main blog , will certainly be rich interesting article dong , is not true if left abandoned without a dummy blog maintained in the article .
  3. Related Mutual Dummy Blog . Well this is where the advantage of making a dummy blog , we can associate a dummy blog circuitry dummy blog to another, strongly supports the main blog .
  4. Blog SEO Must Also Dummy . It is like a political campaign , if qualified cadres to support its candidate , the opportunity to obtain a sound will be more , but if the quality of its cadres are less then do not expect to convince the public . Similarly Dummy Blog , aka main blog is getting good rankings in Google 's eyes if the blog supporters have good quality .
  5. Create a Blog Dummy From Various services . According to the myths that exist , dummy blog better made ​​with a different source IP , example : if we make main blog from blogger , then try to create a dummy blog instead of bloggers , we can use , , , and other free blog services .
Well this fallow. my review about creating a dummy blog for SEO , occasionally , like a blade ketajamnya awake , make a lot of blogs and read many articles will also enhance our ability in the world of blogging . Hail Success ! ! !

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